
Jorge Larez

Jorge’s journey into the world of underwater exploration began at the age of 6 when he unknowingly discovered the art of freediving while reaching the depths of a diving pool with his grandfather. This unforgettable childhood experience ignited a lifelong fascination with water, propelling him from avidly watching Jacques Cousteau documentaries to embarking on thrilling adventures in the vast ocean, both below and above its surface.

As the years passed, Jorge's passion for the underwater world only deepened. He evolved into an advanced scuba diver, exploring the mesmerizing diving sites and islands of his homeland, Venezuela. However, it was the cinematic masterpiece "The Big Blue" that reignited his childhood memories and intensified his longing for the sport of freediving. Eventually, Jorge embraced the challenge, abandoning his scuba tank to embark on a profound journey into the depths, both in mind and body.

With over 15 years of dedicated swimming experience, Jorge's affinity for the water extends beyond freediving. He finds solace and self-discovery in the meditative aspects of freediving, learning more about himself with each dive and static breath hold.

Jorge's commitment to the sport is exemplified by his certification as an AIDA Instructor, mentored by none other than freediving legend 12 x world record holder Carlos Coste. Additionally, he holds t a certified Molchanov "Wave 3 Master Freediver."

However, Jorge's true passion lies in sharing his love for freediving with others. There is no greater joy for him than witnessing his students resurface from a dive with triumphant smiles, having accomplished feats they never thought possible.

When he's not immersed in the world of freediving, Jorge enjoys spending his time running, swimming, and pursuing various outdoor adventures. He recently achieved a remarkable milestone by completing an Ultra Marathon race in Zion, Utah.

Join Jorge Larez on his extraordinary journey through the depths of the ocean, where the boundaries of the human spirit are tested, and self-discovery knows no limits.